Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Did you know American former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice shares maternal heritage with the Tikar people in Cameroon?

In the PBS television program Finding Your Roots, African American former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice learned she shared maternal heritage with the Tikar.Rice became the 66th U.S. Secretary of State on January 26, 2005. She served in that role until January 20, 2009.The Tikar is a blanket term used for several ethnic groups in Cameroon. It has been used very widely of people  so that it has become profoundly ambiguous.There is a single ethnic group called the Tikar who live in on the Tikar Plain Adamaoua Region (Province). 

They speak a Bantoid language called Tikar. Their population is approximately 25,000. . The Bedzan pygmies (who also live on the Tikar Plain) share their language. The main Tikar towns are Bankim, Ngambe Tikar, MagbaThe main Tikar towns are Bankim, Ngambe Tikar, Magba, Bamoun, Nso. when she heard the news she expressed happiness saying she will never forget het roots

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