Friday, February 6, 2015

Governor Visits, Consoles With Survivors of Muyuka Accident

Bernard Okalia Bilai on February 4, 2015, assessed the condition of the victims during a visit to PAID-WA and the Buea Regional Hospital.After the fatal road accident on Tuesday, February 3, 2015, at Mile 29 on the Buea-Muyuka road in Fako Division of the South West Region, consternation and grief continues to haunt the people on what went wrong and why it happened. The unfortunate and avoidable accident, which left six dead, including three students of the renowned Pan-African Institute for Development-West Africa (PAID-WA), has not left local administrative authorities unconcerned.

To assess the situation and console with the victims, South West Governor, Bernard Okalia Bilai, on Wednesday, February 04, 2015, visited the Buea Regional Hospital where some of the survivors are receiving treatment. Dr. Enow Orock, Director of the Buea Regional Hospital, assured the Governor that the victims were all showing signs of improvements
Accident scene

Buea Regional Hospital

He informed Governor Bernard Okalia Bilai that some of the victims were suffering from multiple injuries like head trauma, with two being severe. Cameroon Tribune learnt that 36 accident victims were rushed to the hospital on February 3, 2015, from Muyuka when the unfortunate incident occurred.
Some 32 of them were students of PAID-WA on field trip to Kumba.

Earlier at the PAID-WA campus, the Governor regretted the unfortunate incident that claimed the lives of some of its students. He told the sobbing students to remain calm as all necessary measures have been put in place to curb a repeat. The Regional Director of PAID-WA, Mr. Uwem Essia, in tears, promised that the institution will foot the bills of its students. He assured that PAID-WA will do everything possible for the student victims to recover.
Among the six dead are three PAID-WA students: Pendi Tamogan, Tchoungan Berane and Leocadia Rokin. Three other victims were identified as Wunchiah Henry (builder), Emilia Ebue (mother) and Daniel Bassy (driver). Reckless driving, speeding, overtaking and use of road-unworthy vehicles, have in the past weeks claimed many lives in Fako Division and left many families in grief.

Cameroon Tribune

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